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Call to Action: Tariff Relief


The JVC has joined the Americans for Free Trade Coalition to ask Congress for tariff relief during this time. Americans for Free Trade is sharing the Feinstein/Toomey letter to Secretary Mnuchin.  The final letter was sent this afternoon.  A copy of the press release is here.  The letter is below…

Formlabs Support Network for COVID-19 Response


JVC supports Formlabs as they reach out to the 3D printing community to connect those in need of healthcare-related supplies with those who have engineering, clinical, and 3D printing resources to offer. If you are working on COVID-19 related projects and need access to 3D printed parts, or if you…

CARES Act stimulus

Quick Facts on Federal Corona Virus Stimulus Package for Jewelers 

By Miya Owens, Associate Counsel

As many of you know, the Senate passed a $2 trillion economic rescue plan on March 26, 2020 titled the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). The CARES Act is meant to offer relief to many Americans affected by the coronavirus pandemic and is expected to pass…

Pandemic Marketing: The Law Still Applies!

By Miya Owens, Esq.

With many jewelry businesses forced to close their in-person operations around the country, many of you may be ramping up your digital marketing efforts with the goal of retaining existing customers and drawing in new customers to your websites. But, before you go full speed ahead with new digital marketing,…

cash for gold rules

Cash for Gold: Rules You Need to Know Before Purchasing from the Public

By Sara E. Yood, Esq. Senior Counsel

In times of uncertainty, people have often turned to gold as a source of wealth and financial stability.  Consumers know that gold retains value, and often choose it because of that stability in the gold as a commodity.  As a jeweler, you may be tempted to shift to this business…

Operating in a Crisis: Advice from the Front Lines

By our partners at the Accessories Council

From our Partners at the Accessories Council:    Operating in a Crisis: Advice from the Front Lines     SHIPPING  Andrew Rotondi Chief Operating/Information Officer Dynamic Distribution Services, Inc.   Update on Vendor Shipping:  Virtually every major and multi channel retailer has halted their receipts from vendors.  (there are currently a few exceptions as; Dillard’s, Von Maur,  Hautelook, Stitch Fix,  Amazon and the Dot…

Employment Law Quick Hits

By Sara E. Yood, Senior Counsel

At JVC, we are working to provide you with resources you can use as you navigate these uncertain times due to COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus).  Below, please find some updates you can use regarding employment law and how some new legislation recently enacted can help you and your employees moving forward. …

NYC Employee Retention Grant Program 

By Tiffany Stevens, President & CEO

To help small businesses deal with the impact of COVID-19, the City has launched the Employee Retention Grant Program to help retain employees as businesses face decreased revenue. This program is available to New York City businesses with one to four employees that can demonstrate at least a 25% decrease…

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