JVC’s 2023 Fall Compliance Briefing: Legal Updates and Key Takeaways on Customs and Duty
By JVC's Legal Team
Jan 4, 2024
Peter W. Klestadt has more than 30 years of experience concentrating in the areas of Customs and related import and export laws. He regularly appears before the federal agencies responsible for enforcing these laws, including Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS, NOAA) and others.
Mr. Klestadt counsels clients on how to maximize opportunities in areas such as valuation, tariff classification, marking and country of origin as well as in the areas of regulatory compliance and audits. He has developed extensive experience defending complex criminal and civil investigations involving customs fraud, food labeling and endangered species Lacey Act violations, as well as False Claims Act cases involving evasion of customs and antidumping duties.
Mr. Klestadt is also a licensed Customs Broker and worked in the customs brokerage and freight forwarding industry prior to beginning his legal career. He continues to render advice in this area. Mr. Klestadt is a contributing author of Import Handbook (1997).
GDLSK practices exclusively in the areas of Customs and International Trade. We counsel clients on how to maximize customs duty savings opportunities including areas such as valuation, tariff classification, country of origin marking, duty preference programs and drawback. We have established duty deferral programs through the use of foreign trade zones and bonded warehouses, as well as set up programs allowing for reentry of jewelry returning from cruise ships. We also advise clients in areas of regulatory compliance, forced labor inquiries, customs audits and customs penalties. We have successfully defended or settled False Claims Act (whistleblower) allegations against importers of jewelry and other products.
By JVC's Legal Team
Jan 4, 2024