The Federal Trade Commission Jewelry Guides regulate advertising in the jewelry industry, explaining to marketers how to label their products so that consumers understand their purchases. This nomenclature can be challenging to understand, but it’s actually quite easy in application. Tiffany Stevens and Sara Yood of the Jewelers Vigilance Committee will review the Jewelry Guides provisions that apply to colored gemstones, including guidelines about accurate varietal names, laboratory-grown gemstone nomenclature, and descriptors for pearls. This presentation will also touch on the Green Guides, the FTC’s dossier on eco-friendly advertising, and recent changes to the “Made in USA” rule which requires that all or virtually all of the component parts of a product originate in the US in order to call a product “Made in USA”.
Tiffany Stevens, Esq., President, CEO & General Counsel
Sara Yood, Esq., Deputy General Counsel
JVC’s FTC Guide can be downloaded for free here.