Do you promote your products as “Made in the USA”? Under the law, some products must disclose U.S. content. For others, manufacturers and marketers who choose to make claims about the amount of U.S. content need to know about the shift from the FTC’s former Enforcement Policy Statement on U.S. Origin Claims to the new rule.
Sara Yood, Deputy General Counsel will provide a review of recent action from the Federal Trade Commission on the “Made in USA” rulemaking.
Erich Jacobs, President of JBT will provide an overview of what he is seeing in the digital world.
Erich Jacobs, JBT President, joined JBT in 2018 with operational responsibility for all aspects of IT and collection operations. Mr. Jacobs received his bachelor’s degree in economics and his master’s degree in business from the University of Wisconsin.
Sara Yood, Esq., Deputy General Counsel at the Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC) is an attorney admitted in the state of New York with extensive experience in legal compliance and intellectual property law. Yood is well-versed in a wide range of legal compliance topics that face the jewelry industry, including anti-money laundering regulations and responsible sourcing. She has authored multiple JVC publications illustrating the laws surrounding the jewelry industry. Yood came to JVC from a fellowship at the Fashion Law Institute at Fordham Law School, where she received her law degree. She is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis. Yood also serves as the Treasurer and on the board of the Women’s Jewelry Association and is a member of the Fashion Law Committee of the New York City Bar Association.
For more information on Made in USA claims, please download our free FTC Guidelines book here.