Jewelers Vigilance Committee
provides legal education & compliance guidance to the jewelry industry.
Members operate under the highest standards of business practice after pledging to comply with all laws applicable to the jewelry industry and make accurate representations about the products they sell. When you see the JVC logo and door decal, you can rely on our members’ promises to uphold the ethics and integrity of the jewelry industry through their business practices.
We Educate
We Train
We Mediate
We Keep You Updated
JVC’s educational tools help you comply with all of many of the laws and regulations that apply to businesses in the jewelry industry. Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, gold buyer or appraiser, we can help you understand your legal obligations. Our guides and toolkits make compliance easy, and keep the jewelry industry on a level playing field. With JVC’s help, you can be sure you are in compliance and avoid costly lawsuits and government action.
Ask yourself: am I fairly representing my product in the marketplace?
Download our latest JVC book on Understanding the FTC Jewelry Guidelines to find out. This crucial tool explains: